More than 100 blood centres worldwide count on the INTERCEPT™ Blood System to control the safety of platelets and plasma from whole blood and apheresis collections. INTERCEPT minimises the risk of transfusion-transmitted infection (TTI) through pathogen inactivation.

    Over the past decade, pathogen inactivation technologies have been introduced. The INTERCEPT™ Blood System for platelets and plasma uses amotosalen – a well-characterised photoactive compound that specifically targets DNA and RNA – and UVA illumination to irreversibly crosslink nucleic acids.
  • Platelets
    The INTERCEPT™ Blood System for platelets provides robust, broad-spectrum inactivation, reducing the risks of transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI), including sepsis.
  • Plasma
    The safety and efficacy of INTERCEPT™ Blood System-processed plasma has been supported by haemovigilance programmes and several clinical trials.
  • Red Blood Cells
    Pathogen inactivation of red blood cells should be viewed in the context of having a fully pathogen-inactivated blood supply, enabling a blood safety paradigm shift from reactive to proactive.